The Art of Seeing
Apprenticeship-Style Learning
In 2025, I am offering a full-breadth course in The Art of Seeing to a small group of up to 12 people.
Learn to see yourself and others so much more clearly, and feel you have a better understanding of life.
“This training was out of this world, Yael, is soo knowledgeable and wise, I have changed so much since meeting Yael, she is the kindest soul, with a huge heart, she knows exactly what to do and say and you leave every session having had the most profound shifts, I know I will continue working with her as long as I can.”
Ben Eden, November 2024
Have you ever had an experience of being seen, in a way that touched you to your core?
Imagine what that feels like to be seen in this way. Without saying much at all. Without making an effort. Without explaining what you yourself don’t even know.
Over the years I’ve been asked if I have special abilities, perhaps ‘supernatural’. I reply that I don’t officially know if I do, but I have been asked this question before.
People tend to ask me this question right after experiencing being seen, deeply to their core.
Call it magic or not, being seen can feel like magic.
My dad was a doctor. He saw he couldn’t help people with only what he had learned at medical school. He used to quote Ibn Sina, a physician from the 11th century, known as the father of early modern medicine: “There are three cures: plant, knife, and word”.
Being a doctor, my dad already healed with plant and knife. To heal with words, he became a hypnotherapist and an NLP therapist.
When my brother and I became young adults my father facilitated a few workshops to pass onto us some of what he’s learnt over the decades. He invited others to join and learn and practice together. Now I am a psychotherapist and my brother is a doctor.
Now, my daughter is a young adult. She’s a university student, studying psychology. It’s time I pass onto her and others what is not taught at any university.
The Art of Seeing Training is about learning what you cannot learn at university, in the realm of human experience.
As wonderful and accessible as it can be, there is just so much we can get from looking at an online world with online webinars, podcasts and online social connections.
The Art of Seeing full-breadth training is a rare opportunity to engage in in-person, in-depth, apprenticeship-style learning, emerging from the fields of psychotherapy and self-growth.
This rare opportunity may only be offered in 2025.
The training can be applied to any field of life, as it will take us to wherever each of the 12 participants of the 2025 group will be at.
28 in-person training days of immersion in seeing ourselves and others, throughout a year.
In apprenticeship-style learning you will be able to see therapy done unedited, in real time, “live” and in-person, with all its flaws and all its magic. You will see unedited and in “live” real time how people’s pain and people’s beauty is seen and how healing is facilitated.
You will learn the questions to ask and how to ask them for any situation that is of interest to you.
You will learn the words to use and how to use them in ways that will be effective for any area of life that is important to you.
You will have an opportunity to ask so many questions throughout this year, about anything that is interesting to you.
In this apprenticeship-style learning you yourself will practice many many skills and hidden abilities over a whole year.
By the end of 2025, you will have a wealth of experience and knowledge that can only be obtained in in-person, in-depth, apprenticeship-style training. This experience and knowledge will come naturally to you to use in your personal and professional life, as well as in different kinds of relationships.
Often during my sessions people say “I never thought of it this way before”.
The Art of Seeing training is about learning to see another human being in a way they haven’t seen before. This facilitates healing and change.
The training will also include some important themes and techniques from Systemic Family Constellations, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and hypnotherapy.
The training is not intended to certify in any specific modality. Rather it is intended to help you see, deeply, beyond any modality.
Would you like to know how to see people to their core within minutes? Would you like to do that without them having to explain, without having to think, but from a place of flow?
Join us at:
The Art of Seeing: Full-breadth course
4 blocks, each block offers a different modality, in progression of depth in the Art of Seeing.
The Art of Seeing – Full-Breadth 2025 dates
Block 1 : 7-Days, Friday-Thursday 21/3/2025-27/3/2025, 9am-1pm.
Block 2: 7-Days, Friday-Thursday 13/6/2025/19/6/2025, 9am-1pm.
Block 3: 7-Days, Friday-Thursday 5/9/2025-11/9/2025, 9am-1pm. Dates of 3rd block to be confirmed soon.
Block 4: 7-Days, Saturday-Friday 22/11/2025-28/11/2025, 9am-1pm. Dates of 4th block to be confirmed soon.
Cost for the first/each module (7 in-person training days):
$770 – Early bird by 18th December 2024
$900 – from 19th December 2024
*Priority will be given to participants who sign up for the whole year.
Cost for the whole year, all four modules (28 in-person training days):
$3080 – Early bird by 18th December 2024
$3600 – from 19th December 2024
*Priority will be given to participants who sign up for the whole year.
This training is suitable for and warmly welcomes people from all walks of life who are committed to learning deeply and practicing thoroughly. People who are fascinated by seeing deeply and would like to hone their skills to an artful level. This includes those who work with people such as psychotherapists from any modality, coaches, nurses, doctors, physiotherapists and any person who works with people’s bodies, support workers, teachers and teacher aids etc, as well as homemakers, people who have their own business, and people from all walks of life.
*Spots are limited to 12 participants.
For registration please fill in the form: Registration form for Art Of Seeing Full Training
“Yael is a well of knowledge. It always surprises me what new insights she comes up with and where she got it from. Just amazing”.
Erika, November 2024
Possible training outcomes for you:
- Learn to see yourself and others so much more clearly, and feel you have a better understanding of life.
- Improved ability to see people deeply.
- The course will be a fertile environment to hone your skills to an artful level.
- Experience change, growth and enhanced personal maturity and capabilities.
- Experiencing the difference between thinking, ‘making decisions’ and SEEING.
- Learn how to facilitate family constellations in a group setting and in 1:1 therapy sessions.
- Getting more by doing less.
- For those who work with people, ‘work’ will become an enjoyable time in which you see people genuinely.
- Another benefit is that you may find yourself attracting people that are right for you.
Here is a list of some of the topics that will be shared in the full year training:
Over three decades Yael has chosen and masters a few highly effective modalities. In this unique course Yael will share her observations about life and people, as well as important picks from a these modalities.
Yael’s observations about life and people:
- Self worth, self esteem and others-esteem.
- Directness and honesty as a healing force in life and relationships: Why and how.
- The courage to say what you see. To be direct, to not walk around the bush.
- Important questions to ask. Questions that assist in seeing. Questions that direct from problem state to resourcefulness.
- Maturing from childhood trauma: Effective comprehensive therapeutic process assists a person in maturing from a place where they are controlled by their childhood trauma, into consistently parenting themselves in the healthiest ways , which their parents couldn’t fully parent them.
- Inner child work.
- Weight issues and habits.
- Motivation vs passion.
- Overthinking vs flow of life energy.
- Anxiety and panic.
- Trauma.
- Codependence.
- Metaphors: the power of metaphors and how to use them to: facilitate change and understanding and to give people an unforgettable learning experience.
- And more.
Common life areas that will be looked at in the training:
- Trauma and childhood trauma.
- Codependence.
- Relationships: parent child, couple, siblings , workplace, friendships.
- Anxiety and panic.
- Overthinking vs flow of life energy.
- Weight issues and habits.
- Motivation vs passion.
- And more
Systemic Family Constellations:
- Orders of love.
- Different kinds of emotions and the roles they play in people’s lives: Primary emotions, secondary emotions, carried emotions, and more.
- The balance of give and receive.
- The knowing field.
- Constellations in 1:1 settings. Including online, and when sitting in a coffee shop with a friend.
- Facilitating group constellations.
- Sitting order around dinner table.
- And more
- Sentences that acknowledge ‘what is’.
- Sentences that touch the soul.
- Sentences that direct from secondary to primary emotions.
- And more
Ericksonian Hypnotherapy:
- Metaphors as a powerful healing and change tool.
- Powerful language skills, conversational-trance work.
- Inner child work.
- In advanced modules: facilitating hypnotherapeutic trace for healing and change. Hypnotic loops, Hypnotic process.
- And more
NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)
- Modelling what works.
- Meta pattern of change.
- Anchoring.
- Influencing and changing and healing through language.
- Identifying people’s Metaprograms.
- Swish.
- Inner child work.
- Allergies and possible simple cure.
- And more.
Working with Couples
- In advanced modules: Learn how to use these skills with couples.
How: The learning styles that you will experience in this training:
- Learning the theory through experiencing. This way you never forget it.
- Exercises in the different modalities: Family Constellations, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), and in the advanced modules also hypnotherapy.
- Addressing group members’ personal issues.
- Exercises in which you will learn by experience how to feel into your own energy, and into other’s energy.
- Experiencing and facilitating Family Constellations work in that small familiar group as well as resonating in this group and in external people’s constellations.
- Case studies.
- Through metaphors and analogies.
- Supervision of cases which participants bring.
- Theory and practice of Systemic Family Constellations.
- Top picks from Neuro Linguistic Programming – practice and theory.
- Effect of words and language on people’s minds and state of being – in wakeful states.
- Written assessment.
- Practical assessment.
Marketing yourself through the universe and your state of being
- Who do you want to attract into your professional life (and private life).
- Being clear about what you want vs what you don’t want. Saying no to what you don’t want in an explicit way so the universe can be clearer about it too.
About the trainer Yael Reiss

In addition to Yael’s three decades of seeing people, her academic degrees and the many many Family Constellations workshops she has facilitated, Yael is a highly experienced trainer. Yael led one of the top NLP training canters in her country of origin. She is reputed as a trainer who is extremely professional and structured, as well as fun and engaging. Her trainings are also well known for their high safety standards. In her training, Yael draws from her wide experience gained in her busy private practice and from her therapeutic work as a social worker. Having a lively energetic training style, she keeps her audience engaged and brings stories anecdotes, as well as examples from her most interesting cases. Yael has certified many professionals in the field of NLP, Practitioner and Master Practitioner levels, as well as conduct Ericksonian approach workshops. Among her graduates and clients there are psychologists, social workers, nurses and doctors, as well as experienced practitioners of NLP and hypnotherapy. (Click here for testimonials). Yael also conducted workshops for professional hypnotherapists around Australia.
As a group facilitator in Family Constellations workshops Yael is described by participants as a “gentle, strong and insightful facilitator. A skilled and loving facilitator that holds the space for the participants, and gently sensing in to what is needed for them to move forward”.
On a personal note: I’ve created this training because I am a trainer and LOVE teaching. I call it being an edutainer. I love it when people come and have profound experiences, have fun, and learn so much. This kind of learning and teaching isn’t just fun and effortless, it also sinks deep inside, into different levels of our being. With this kind of learning, you don’t have to memorise a thing, or think and plan. Instead, you will find yourself in a state of flow in life and when you work with people. In this state of flow everything that you’ve learned by experience and having fun just comes and does the job through you.
Of course, a nice ‘side effect’ of such training is the healing we often get by looking into our own issues and being SEEN during the exercises and the questions we ask in the training.
I look forward to The Art of Seeing training, to share and to inspire you to taste the effects of words and other communications in a way that helps you SEE.
I warmly welcome you to the training and look forward to going through these special experiences together.
What people say about The Art of Seeing training
“Yael is a well of knowledge. It always surprises me what new insights she comes up with and where she got it from. Just amazing”.
Erika, November 2024“This training was out of this world, Yael, is soo knowledgeable and wise, I have changed so much since meeting Yael, she is the kindest soul, with a huge heart, she knows exactly what to do and say and you leave every session having had the most profound shifts, I know I will continue working with her as long as I can.”
Ben Eden, November 2024“The most helpful things in the training were the practical tools and techniques given to be able to see myself so deeply. This wasn’t theory alone, it was powerful knowledge that I can use in every moment of everyday to support myself and others… the level of theory and practical was perfect for me, I don’t often say this as I can struggle on trainings, here I didn’t at all.”
B. November 2024“This course speaks my language. Everything is energy and Yael thank you for sharing your knowledge and taking me deeper. You are magic.
There are so many ‘aha’ deep connecting moments in this course. Every time I went to the course something shifted, healed and I grew.”
A. November 2024“The training with Yael was absolutely fantastic! I learned so much about my inner child and the patterns of my adult life all stems from childhood patterns. Thank you so much.”
Linda Shulman, November 2024“If you are looking to grow as a person and understand your behavioural patterns, The Art of Seeing is for you.
A life changing experience.
Yael’s teaching is pure magic”.
Spencer, November 2024“Yael is a wealth of knowledge, who provides tools to assist with working through life’s lessons. So many revelations and shifts have happened for me in such a short time!”
Aoife, November 2024“Yael has a way of seeing people and helping us to see others. The training is easily digestible and takes into account real world examples to help us see”.
Julie, November 2024“Training with a very experienced therapist allowed me to trust the group and feel safe to share and learn”.
R. November 2024
Pre course reading:
Please see the small list of books recommended to start with – on this link.
Certificate of attendance will be granted to participants who attend at least 80% of the course and successfully complete the written and practical assessments.
Training FAQ:
Question: Why the course is on a weekday:
What are weekends for? Or: Why did God create weekends?
My answer to the above question: Weekends are for: Catching up with sleep, loved ones, reading books and hobbies.
Many modern people’s unconscious answer, the answer that comes through their behaviour: Weekends are for catching up with all the work, shopping, duties, studying etc.
I have to walk my talk with integrity and that means the training will be held on weekdays.
Question: Why is the course held on a “half day” 9am-1pm and not a “full day” (until 4pm)? Why is the course in the morning and not in the evening?
Answer: From my experience both as a trainer and facilitator of workshops as well as a participant in workshops: after lunch not much more can be genuinely taken in. Longer “full” day is just cramping and overloading. A four hours with a morning start, such as 9am-1pm, is when I myself can give you the most. It is also when most people can receive the most out of trainings.
Again, the same as in my answer to why I choose to not have the course on weekends, I feel evenings are for resting, processing and connecting with loved ones.
- Refunds are available, minus 10% handling fee, up to 14 days prior to a short workshop, and up to 30 days prior to a full breadth training module of more than 2 days.
- Refunds between 13 to 7 days prior to a short workshop is 50% of the workshop’s cost.
- Refund between 29-7 days prior to training that is longer than 2 days is 50% of the training’s cost.
- No refund at all 6 days or less prior to the workshop / course.

Sea deep: Shells still hold the sound of the sea they lived in. Just put it close, listen, and you will hear their story.