Seeing Your Own Energy
Including: Naturally Slender Eating Strategy
By Yael Reiss

We can be filled with energy or depleted of energy as result of our many big and small decisions and choices throughout each day. Some of these decisions are not conscious.
Examples may be: a choice of word we say or write to someone can create an effect in us and in the other person, which may sometimes take away and waste good energy and in other cases a good choice of word has a great ability to give energy. A choice of food or a quantity of it may give us the energy we need, or ironically eating some foods or quantities will take away our energy. Some behaviours we engage with take our energy, and others fill us with energy.
We can practice and become more and more aware of and conscious of our own energy.
We can practice curiosity and ask ourselves: By doing X, Y or Z, do I later feel more energised or more depleted?
By replying to a challenging text message, I taste the effect that different word choices may have. I taste it by imagining my energy and the energy of the receiver while reading each word choice. This way it becomes clear which word choice is better not use in a specific situation, and which one may be giving everyone more energy. I have to mention that my observation is that if a choice is healthier for one person, sooner or later it will be healthier for the others involved.
When I feel a want for food, I pause and sense into my energy and become curious. What is the energy that I am missing right now that I am looking for in a food to fulfil me? Is my body in a need for energy such as proteins? carbs? sugars? hydration? Am I in a need for a break and recharging of energy by pampering myself and feeling pampered and well rested?
I then imagine making different choices, and their effect on my energy levels into the immediate and further future. The first choice I imagine taking and imagining its effect on my energy levels is my knee jerk response.
For example, in the afternoon once I finish my workday, I may feel a want for something sweet but my knee jerk will be to first reply to texts and emails etc. I imagine the energy that my knee jerk response will give me or take away from me. If I first reply to text and emails it will free my energy knowing it’s done, but it may mean I don’t have any time left for having something sweet.
I then imagine a few more options and their potential effect on my energy level: if I go for a walk after having my something sweet compared to going for a walk without having anything sweet, or if I have something sweet and go for a walk 30 minutes after that. Or will going for my walk without some substantial afternoon tea feel irritating and hungry, etc?
It takes many words to describe the process that I go through while listening to my potential energy levels, but in the body in reality it takes a few seconds or so.
This kind of process is described by Steve and Connirae Andreas in their book, Heart of the Mind, in the context of a Naturally Slender Eating Strategy. They used an NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) approach to reveal the unconscious process with which naturally slender people engage when eating. The process is very effective not only for modelling an eating strategy to become slender by seeing your own energy, but also for any small or big decision in life.
It is simply sensing in to your body, and feeling your body (rather than your brain) while imagining doing X, Y or Z, and checking whether you are likely to have or to feel more life energy, or less?
The more we practice this awareness to the energy we are filled with or depleted, the easier and more naturally it becomes to make wise choices in the smallest and biggest moments of each day. This eventually brings us to live a life which is rich with energy. I call it living life fully.
This way of seeing our own energy can be a wise guide in relationships, in health, professionally and in any area of life.
When you can detect your own energy and its relationship to what you did or what you are about to do, you become more accurate in reading others energy too.
Being well practiced in seeing your own energy and listening to it may become a “Jedi” like skill when you learn to read the nuances.
This skill may assist you in making the wisest observations about yourself and others, which I call The Art of Seeing.
If you are curious about it, and wish to make 2025 a very special year, you can learn and train in the week-long training of The Art of Seeing in March this year, 21/3/2025-27/3/2025, 9am-1pm, in Brighton, QLD, Australia.
You are welcome to write back and share your thoughts and ask any questions.
I wish you a wonderful and fulfilling 2025!