By Yael Reiss

The Unwritten Law of Genuine Goodness
Over the years of my own life and years of working with others on their personal lives, I’ve found an unwritten law of life, an observation, about doing what is genuinely good for one person.
When you choose to do something that is genuinely good for you,
sooner or later,
it will be good for everyone else.
And vice versa:
When you do something that is genuinely NOT good for you,
sooner or later,
it will NOT be good for everyone else.
Don’t work out of guilt, don’t try to please others or second guess what others expect, do not abandon yourself.
Doing what is genuinely good for you isn’t selfish.
Doing what is genuinely good for you is always eventually the best choice, for everyone.
Going against this unwritten law of life can bring pain to you and to others.
Systemic Family Constellations workshops are a great way to observe this, and enable lifting inner and systemic family blockages that block you from doing what is genuinely good, for you, and so also for others.