How well do you sleep ?
How many hours a night?
If the answers to the above questions are less than good and less than 8 hours, reading this book could change your life and even SAVE your life:
Why We Sleep? By Matthew Walker.
This is my book recommendation of the day
It’s not an easy read at times, but the author says he will take it as a compliment if you fall asleep while reading it.

Some of you might find it easier to start with Matt’s short talks on YouTube, such as this one: , or this one:
In the book you will learn some interesting facts, such as:
- What happens and what doesn’t happen when you sleep 7 hours, or 6 or 4 hours instead of 8?
- Did you know that sleeping is not just turning off, it is actual certain processes that happen in the brain and body?
- Did you know that taking sleeping pills is NOT creating a state of sleep, it is just sedating.
- This means these processes that we need as sleep do NOT happen while we ‘sleep’ with the ‘aid’ of sleeping pills.
That suggests why people that use sleeping pills tend to dramatically reduce their life expectancy. - What happens when people drink alcohol to help them relax and sleep?
- How to sleep better? discover the answer to this important question in this book, on this YouTube, and in coming to sessions with me.
Happy reading, watching and sleeping,
* You are also invited to come for a session/s to get some help to make your sleep very sleepy.
Learning about what you can do to sleep well, addressing the stresses that prevent you from sleeping, and getting some hypnotherapy can really help.
For sessions availability and cost click here.