What does it feel like to truly be seen?

Have you ever had an experience of being seen, in a way that touched you to your core?
Imagine what that feels like to be seen in this way. Without saying much at all. Without making an effort. Without explaining what you yourself don’t even know.

young adult came to see me. It was her first session.
She was depressed and anxious and had been taking antidepressants for too many years for someone so young. She reported that she suffered severe side effects but still continued to take them, although they didn’t relieve her anxiety and depression.
I asked her: ‘why do you continue taking them if you suffer all these severe side effects and don’t get any benefit?’
Her answer was: ‘Because the doctor wants me to take them’.
‘Does he know about your side effects?’
‘Yes, but he still wants me to take them.’
‘So you take these pills that give you all this pain, because he wants you to take them?’
Then I felt something strongly and asked her: Had you been molested as a child?
She was very surprised about the question and answered that she had been molested as a child.
We had a long chat about her childhood trauma and about doing what people want you to do.

She came back and in her second session she shared with me how much better she felt and that she felt it was a turning point in her wellbeing.
When I asked her for permission to share this story here, not only did she give me her permission and blessing. She also wrote back that she thinks it is a very important message to be spread, and that being seen can sometimes be life changing.

Would you like to know how to see people to their core within minutes? Would you like to do that without them having to explain, without having to think, but from a place of flow?

Join us at:
The Art of Seeing training

Copyright Yael Reiss 2023